Editor's Choice
Social & Political Commentary
The views and opinions expressed below are of interest to the editor and do not necessarily reflect those of KLOKi radio. Go here to contact the editor.
Stop Prisoner Abuses
Society is measured by how it treats its prisoners
Solitary Confinement: Torture, Pure and Simple
Placing prisoners in solitary is tantamount to torture and it needs to stop.
By Gali Katznelson and J. Wesley Boyd
Let's call it for what it is: Placing prisoners in solitary confinement is tantamount to torture and it needs to stop.
The practice of placing incarcerated individuals in solitary confinement dates back to the 1820s in America when it was thought that isolating individuals in prison would help with their rehabilitation. Yet, over the past two centuries, it has become clear that locking people away for 22 to 24 hours a day is anything but rehabilitative. Solitary confinement is so egregious a punishment that in 2011, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment condemned its use, except in exceptional circumstances and for as short a time as possible, and banned the practice completely for people with mental illnesses and for juveniles.
Despite its barbarity, the United States continues to place thousands of people, including individuals with mental illnesses and children, in solitary confinement, sometimes for decades. Thirty years ago, Dr. Stuart Grassian, who recently spoke at Harvard Medical School's "Behind Bars: Ethics and Human Rights in U.S. Prisons" conference, evaluated 14 individuals placed in solitary confinement and found the same symptoms in many of them: hypersensitivity to external stimuli; perceptual disturbances, hallucinations, and derealisation experiences; affective disturbances, such as anxiety and panic attacks; difficulties with thinking, memory and concentration; the emergence of fantasies such as of revenge and torture of the guards; paranoia; problems with impulse control; and a rapid decrease in symptoms immediately following release from isolation. Taken together, Dr. Grassian proposed that these symptoms amount to a pathopsychological syndrome.
Since his initial work, ample medical literature has corroborated these findings. Social psychologist Dr. Craig Haney interviewed people in Pelican Bay State prison and told the New York Times that 63 percent of men kept in solitary confinement for 10 to 28 years said they consistently felt on the verge of an "impending breakdown," compared to 4 percent of individuals in maximum-security prisons. He reported that 73 percent of people in solitary confinement felt chronically depressed, compared to 48 percent of those in maximum-security settings.
The psychological effects of isolation last long after individuals are removed from isolation. Indeed, years after their release, many who experienced solitary confinement in Pelican Bay had difficulty integrating into society, felt emotionally numb, experienced anxiety and depression, and preferred to remain in confined spaces.
Solitary confinement often exacerbates existing psychiatric conditions and not infrequently leads to suicide. In Texas, for example, suicides rates for those in solitary confinement are five times higher than that of the general prison community. Given that the U.S. has 10 times as many people with mental illnesses in jails than in state hospitals, the use of isolation for people with mental illnesses is beyond troubling.
Mental health issues are also widely prevalent in youth within correctional facilities, and placing youth in solitary, often as a form of punishment or simply because prisons are understaffed to engage with these children, is psychologically damaging and outright cruel. Dr. Louis J. Kraus, a child, adolescent, and forensic psychiatrist, also spoke at the Harvard conference, and explained that locking children up in isolation worsens their mood symptoms, worsens trauma-based pathology, increases anxiety symptoms, compromises these children's trust, and increases the risk of suicide. article continues after advertisement
The upshot is that continuing to place these individuals in solitary confinement is both inhumane and unethical. Multiple organizations agree, including the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the American Medical Association, and the United Nations. Nonetheless, thousands of children continue to be placed in solitary confinement across the U.S.
The verdict is clear: Solitary confinement causes such severe psychological damage that it is tantamount to torture. Prison systems in other countries such Germany and the Netherlands have found ways to function effectively while greatly restricting its use. We can too. The United States needs to be more humane to the more than two million of its people that are in the U.S. corrective system, and the first step toward doing so is straightforward: stop engaging in torture via solitary confinement.
Gali Katznelson is a Master of Bioethics candidate at Harvard Medical School and a fellow at the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics at Harvard Law School.
To learn more about the torture taking place in American prisons, visit Prison Legal News and AbolishControlUnits.org.
Zionism Threatens Peace and Stability
When the victim becomes the perpetrator
It is NOT anti-Semitism to oppose the indiscriminate slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent children and their mothers.
For current reporting, consider https://ifamericansknew.org and/or https://israelpalestinenews.org.
Stop The Killing In Gaza
Woman and children are not collateral damage
What we see coming out of Gaza and the West Bank today began on May 14, 1948, where David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel following the the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, also known as the First Arab-Israeli War. This war followed the civil war in Mandatory Palestine as the second and final stage of the 1948 Palestine war. Immediately after Ben-Gurion declared the state of Israel, U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.
At that same time the state of Israel was being formed, following the holocaust, The United States, United Kingdom, and Benelux countries agreed to establish a German state in the western occupation zones on May 31, 1948. The Federal Republic of Germany was proclaimed on May 23, 1949. Shortly thereafter, Germany entered a period of political and economic change that saw the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the introduction of the Deutsche Mark, and the Berlin Blockade.
Stop Apartheid in Palistine
Resourceful and prosperous peace can be at hand
By Stacy Hall, Editor
Palestine is commonly known as the area of the eastern Mediterranean region comprising parts of modern Israel along with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 1 The fact that "modern Israel" is implied speaks to it encroachment, and later invasion, of the entire eastern Mediterranean region. How this invasion was made possible remains solely at the hands of the United States and its powerful western European allies.
The term "apartheid" comes from the Afrikaans word for "apartness". It was a system of laws that separated people into racial groups and dictated where they could live, work, and receive an education. 2
As I understand the creation of Israel, this same type of oppressive doctorial rule was exerted over the peoples of the eastern Mediterranean area who have since then fought for their freedom. Over the decades, their acts of resistance culminated into what western governments defined as "terrorist" attacks. They later applied the term to include self-forming political movements that challenged Israel's rule over their generational inhabitants of the region. In others words, from the beginning, it was and remains the Jewish invaders who are the true terrorists.
1948 was a long time ago, and since then generations of Israelis have forcefully and violently displaced hundreds of thousands of ancestral inhabitants from the region through their settlements. Knowing this, aside from genocide or continue apartheid, a two-state solution, together with a reduced Israel and reparations made by the western powers to restore resources and prosperity to the region, seems to appear as a viable solution if only the western powers would agree.
1 https://apnews.com/article/trump-mideast-netanyahu-israel-gaza-iran-wars-2e37305522d19bdc34e956586cce99bd; See also https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/#:~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9Capartheid%E2%80%9D%20was%20originally,control%20the%20second%20racial%20group.&text=Amnesty%20International%20has%20created%20a,International%27s%20human%20rights%20education%20academy
2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apartheid
Israel's apartheid against Palestinians
A cruel system of domination and crime against humanity
The following is production of Amnesty Internation as found at https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/
International News Sources
The American media propaganda machine has indoctrinated our society into accepting fascism as our national identity, yet we never hear from the voices from other cultures around the world in how they perceive our own. The purpose of this page is to provide news sources from around the world that are hard to find and which are often suppressed by Google to make it harder for non-Western news agencies to be found.
You are encouraged to bookmark this page as your one-stop to help you navigate the global media community from all authoritative news sources.